Enjoy the best of your city & cut everyday bill
Discover best deals in your area and unlock exclusive savings on the hottest spots in town.
New Deals everyday
Your one-stop shop for deals and discounts across all merchants, lunch specials, gym discounts, spa offers, we've got you covered.
Save more with friends
Unlock extra discounts when you invite friends to join you, and enjoy free passes when your whole gang's here, life is better when you have fun together!
Earn rewards from every interaction
Earn credits with every visit and endorsement of your favorite places, cash in credits for awesome discounts and exclusive perks personalized just for you!
Got questions?
How does CityBud work?
CityBud is your go-to platform for discovering the best deals in your area and unlocking exclusive savings on local hot spots. Browse daily deals across merchants, save more with friends, and earn rewards with every interaction. Sign up, explore, and enjoy the best of your city while cutting your everyday bills with us.
What kind of deals can I expect with CityBud?
CityBud offers a variety of deals and discounts across different categories, including dining, entertainment, wellness, and more. From lunch specials to spa packages, there's something for everyone!
Is CityBud available in my city?
CityBud is currently in the works and will soon launch in major cities across Europe. Drop your city name, and we'll consider adding it to our list! We're working extra hard to bring CityBud to as many cities as possible, so stay tuned for updates.
How do I earn credits with CityBud?
With CityBud, you can earn credits by engaging with the platform, such as visiting merchants, sharing reviews, and endorsing your favorite spots. These credits can then be redeemed for additional perks and rewards.
Is CityBud free to use?
Yes, CityBud is free to sign up and use.
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